International Visitors
Placing an Order

There are several ways to order from You can:

Use our search engine to find a specific product. You may enter an item name, Item number, UPC or even just a brand name, to view a specific item/brand.

Use our browsing tool to help you narrow down your search by product a-z , brand name or Department.

Shopping Cart Process
Once you have found a product you would like to purchase, just click on the "Add to Cart" button. This button can be found on any product detailed page. If you would like to continue shopping, just select the "Continue Shopping" button. When you have completed shopping choose the "Check Out" button, to complete your purchasing process.

Changing and/or Updating Shopping Cart
If you should change your mind as you shop, you can always remove an item by clicking on "view cart" in your shopping cart. Click on the "Delete" tab to delete an item. If you wish to change the quantity of any item(s) in your shopping cart, just type the new quantity in the quantity field for that product and click on "Update". You must click on "Update" in order for the information to be saved.

When you have finished shopping and have placed each item in your shopping cart, click on "Checkout" to send us your order. You'll then be prompted to enter your email and a password, billing and shipping addresses and credit card information. We'll receive your order immediately and will send you a confirmation email. It's that easy!

Shop by Fax or Email

If you prefer to send us your order by Fax, send it to 718-686-6114. If you prefer to send us your order by email, email it to [email protected] Please ensure that you include the following information:

Your First Name and Last Name
Shipping Address
Zip Code
Shipping Phone Number
Email Address
Shipping Method (UPS Ground)
Credit Card Type
Credit Card Number
Expiry Date
Product Item # (SKU) and Quantity of each product

Call Us: 1-800-645-1899 (International Orders call 718-686-6112)

Our Customer Care Center will take your order over the phone, assist you in finding the product you are looking for and help you order on-line, by mail or by fax.